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Two summers ago, I started a garden. I had no idea what I was doing.
Andy was deployed. I had a toddler and a one-month old, and I needed a project to give me the focus to make it through that last few months of Andy’s absence.
Through trials and many errors, I discovered a deep-rooted love of farming – undoubtedly passed down from my agrarian forbearers. I’ve begun to glean a bit of the wisdom they had from a life of working the earth. One thing is for sure – gardening can teach us a lot about how to invest in people.

  1. Plant with expectation. You can't perfectly predict the last frost, and the first rains. Watch the signs and plant expectantly that God will provide.
  2. You can’t tell which seeds will grow by looking at them. So plant them all and let God sort it out.
  3. Sometimes, you just have to wait. You can prepare the soil, plant the seeds and water with great care…but in the end it just takes time to see a sprout and watch it flower.
  4. You must thin your seedlings. More plants will spring up than can flourish in your soil. You must pick the best ones, and pluck the rest – otherwise none will grow.
  5. Weeds only get bigger. Little sprigs of crabgrass will turn into deeply rooted destroyers. Do the hard work early when it is more manageable and less damaging.
  6. Plants need both sunny days and rainy days. One without the other means no growth.
  7. There is a season for everything. You can freeze and can. But in the end, there is only one season in which to enjoy a perfectly ripe strawberry. There is a season to work late into the dusk, and a season to let the land lie fallow through the cold months. Don't confuse them.

Books are helpful in learning how to grow plants, but nothing replaces the experience of doing…and a helpful practiced hand to guide.