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an Ode to Poppi

“Every man should have his day while he’s still around to enjoy it,” my Dad has always said. I find it to be the most noble of statements, and it often reminds me to encourage and exalt people when I am shy to do so.

Today, I exalt my grandfather, Dexter Daniels, as a man who has profoundly exampled what it means to follow Jesus and lead his family. He struggles with earthly old age, and whether he lives here for one more day, or a hundred more years – let it be known that E. Dexter Daniels is a man in whom God says, “Well done!

One might think that the daily decisions to do one thing, and not another may not show for much. That the little moments in life are simply little. But the life of my grandfather shows me the exact opposite.

His steadfastness in choosing the way of Jesus, in all matters of life—many seemingly small, has produced a mountain of gold.

With a wife whom he has loved for over 60 years, he raised three children who also follow the example of Jesus. In his line, there has been no divorce. To the fourth generation of his line, he has exampled humility, love, service and dedication to his Savior.

He grew up as a farm kid, spent two years drafted into the army, and then started a family. He worked tirelessly to provide for that family, never making a fortune – but always enough through sweat, and I’m sure more than a few tears. He spent that money wisely, not only for his family, but sharing freely with others in need.

The evening following their 50th anniversary party, we helped my grandparents go through all the cards they had received. And the stories just poured out of each card…

We couldn’t have made it through the hard times without you…

You were the light of Jesus to me in the moment when…

Thank you for believing in me when no one else did…

And on an on. I knew at that moment – this is what I want my life to look like. This is what it means to be the hands and feet of Jesus. Great statues and monuments will crumble and fade, but the love of Jesus, so graciously and freely given through the hands and heart of my grandfather – this is what will stand and bear fruit to the 10th generation in monument to a great man of God.

I have always known my grandfather to be a solid bedrock of loving wisdom. He has always been there with a kind voice in the early hours of the morning when I needed comfort. No one prays like Poppi. And no one sings like Poppi. I find that when I am looking for wisdom, it often comes to me in the voice of my grandfather and the words of an old Baptist hymn. And while at some point he must leave this earth, he has so clearly made his mark here on all who know him, especially me.

Poppi, you have done your job exceedingly well. I will do my best to follow in the path you have so clearly marked – a path that leads to true joy and true riches in heaven.

And so, I declare this day, the 3rd day of September, two-thousand-thirteen, to be E. Dexter Daniels Day.

Long may his life and example light the world and bring those who suffer to the grace, peace and forgiveness of God!


If you have been touched by the life of my grandfather, or even in the telling of this story, please let him know at: [email protected]